Our Friends

Key Farmers Cameroon works with many friends and supporters worldwide. Below are some of them
  • International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Canada funded our biochar project: Titled  Agriculture, Labour and Gender Equity: The Role of Biochar
  • Carleton University, Canada: partnered with Key Farmers Cameroon in the project: Agriculture, Labour and Gender Equity: The Role of Biochar
  • Viresco Solutions Canada: partnered with Key Farmers Cameroon in the above project.
  • MovingWorlds is supporting Key Farmers Cameroon with Talented Experteers.
  • GlobalGiving: A crowdfunding organisation working with Key Farmers Cameroon to raise funds.
  • SELAVIP: An organisation aiming to providing shelters, hygiene and sanitation facilities to vulnerable population.
  • Institute of Agricultural Research for development (IRAD): working with Key Farmers on research projects.
  • Delegation of Agriculture and Rural Development Kumba: projects implementing partners.
  • Managers Without Borders: They support small and big organizations with consultation services.
Other local and international Friends

The New Africa Fund




World Vegetable Centre

Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovations, Cameroon

Regional Centre for Conservation and Development (RECODEV), Cameroon

American Peace Corps, Cameroon